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"Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us to listen to the whispers of our bodies, to seek harmony within, and to nourish our vitality. It is a timeless treasure that reminds us of the power of natural healing."
Dr. Lixin Zhang



In our fast-paced culture, stress and anxiety have become all too common. We're constantly racing against time, while our reliance on technology takes a toll on our physical and mental well-being.


As a highly trained practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Taichi my mission is to restore balance and bring harmony to your life. TCM combined with Taichi offers a range of effective treatments and practices that can dissolve the barriers hindering our fulfillment and integration. By harnessing these tools, we not only heal but also cultivate presence, attentiveness, and kindness.


Dive into Taijiquan, where you can sharpen your self-defense skills and boost your health at the same time. Experience how this gentle martial art can strengthen your body and calm your mind, all in a friendly, supportive environment.

Let’s move together!

Image by Katherine Hanlon

 Acupuncture, cupping, and massage are three of the most popular TCM treatments that can help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of energy and promote healing. Cupping uses suction cups to improve blood flow and relieve muscle tension. Massage is a hands-on therapy that can help reduce stress, improve circulation, and alleviate pain. If you're looking for a natural effective way to improve your health, TCM treatments may be just what you need. Come experience the benefits for yourself!



I have been learning Tai Chi from Alex for over 6 years. I have benefited greatly from his passion for Tai Chi, and from his clear skills as an instructor! He explains each movement and focuses on key points of excellence. All of this for an extremely reasonable price. I highly recommend Alex to anyone wishing to learn Tai Chi in a fun yet professional way.​

Lau, Jon

Alex's class is incredible! I was a complete beginner to Tai Chi and was so pleased to find a teacher who possesses such deep respect and knowledge of the form. Alex seeks to teach Tai Chi as it was taught to him. He speaks with love, calmness and clarity thus striking the perfect balance between direct instruction and trusting the students to explore their own experience. His metaphors and descriptive ability cut right through any confusion and really help grasp the philosophy of this practice. Being in the presence of such honest instruction has ignited my interest for more and Alex is an endless well of knowledge and openness to whoever seeks to learn.

Sereda, Alexander

I work in healthcare myself, and have seen various practitioners of different backgrounds. I could not have been more impressed by Alex‘s knowledge, skillset, and general sense of being. He was kind, listened well, and applied both acupuncture and acupressure skills to help me with not only a chronic hip issue, but also helped with some long-standing arrhythmia issues. I could not recommend him more highly.

Kyi, Min Trevor
OT Professor,
UBC Faculty of Medicine


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Natural Harmony - Tai-Chi & Traditional Chinese Medicine



Phone: +1 (604) 401-4944


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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